Friday, July 15, 2011

Baby classes and my supportive hubby

Wednesday was our second class in our childbirth prep classes at St. Luke's birth center and our tour of the birthcare center.  Wow...there are a lot of things I'm super excited for, like meeting our little boy for the first time (even just thinking about it is almost enough to make me cry.  In fact, I'm tearing up right now...thanks third-trimester hormones!), but there are a few things I'm not looking forward to: namely childbirth.  I think it's the unknown that's so scary.  I don't know what my pain tolerance level is.  I'd like to have a natural (or at least, semi-natural  ;) ) childbirth.  I don't really want to have an epidural, but I may just change my mind when I'm actually in labor.  We will see.

This weeks class was about breathing techniques and pain control methods.  I've started practicing my slow paced breathing and my modified breathing techniques...hopefully they will help come Delivery-day!  Austin is so wonderful and is always supportive and encouraging...he tells me that he thinks I'll do great during labor and that I have a high pain tolerance.  He is so sweet; but we will see if he is right.

Another reason I think Austin is amazing is that he is so supportive of me during this pregnancy.  The 12 hour shifts in the ER have become very difficult.  The last few hours of each shift I notice I'm having frequent braxton-hicks contractions.  They aren't painful, but my abdomen gets really tight and stays that way for about 30-60 seconds and then relaxes.  I've been drinking lots of water (being dehydrated can aggravate your uterus and cause BH), but that doesn't seem to help.  It's like clockwork: at 5pm I start having the contractions and that's about the time I'm feeling exhausted from being on my feet (and not sleeping...another wonderful part of pregnancy!), lightheaded and dizzy.  Sometimes I even feel short of breath talking with my patients (The other day I had myself convinced that I had a pulmonary embolism!).

So why do I say Austin is so supportive?  He encouraged me to cut back on my hours; to go to 8 hour shifts and part-time status at work.  We were already planning that after maternity leave I would return to work part-time, but Austin said, "why not start part-time status now?"  So, it's official...yesterday I turned in my change of status form and I am now part-time!

So, what am I going to do now that I'm part-time?  I'm going to be a part-time RN and a part-time homemaker...check out my "sister" blog Part-time homemaker (I would have just one blog if I knew how to separate posts by category...but I'm not that advanced of a blogger...yet).

Well, today is a gorgeous day and both Austin and I are off work and we have lots of things on our "to do" list.  There are lots of things to do before the baby gets here, so we better get our day started!

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